individual counselling & psychotherapy
Individual counselling: is helpful for those who are ready and willing to go “beyond talk therapy” using a variety of powerful healing modalities to reach the root source of what is no longer working. Together we develop a strong trusting alliance to discover the ways to best move forward in your life with more ease and connection to self and others. Sessions can be done in person or on zoom.
Specializing in:
- Working with the emotional and energetic components of Cancer and illness
- Releasing grief and fear
- Healing the burdens from the past
- Letting go of anxiety and panic disorders
- Trauma release in the nervous system and Body
- Improving relationships and communication
- Self-esteem and self-worth
- Dis-engaging from depression
- Work/life stress & balance
- Coming to peace with sexual, physical or emotional abuse
- Finding meaning and purpose in one’s life
- Intimacy and Sexuality individually & with couples
a Couples journey
Relationship building is among the hardest and most spiritual work we can ever do as it uncovers that which we have long attempted to hide.
Works with the understanding that relationships are a great way to learn about ourselves as they directly mirror what is working and have a way of pointing out the more challenging areas that need to be addressed and explored. We identify each person’s attachment style and how it affects the issues arising in the relationship. Most couples tend to disagree or get caught in one or more of the 6 conflicting areas: money, sexuality, parenting, in laws, housework and chore division and work stressors. Together in couples counselling, we work to uncover the core issues where each person is getting stuck to build a deeper understanding of how to develop and sustain intimacy and long-lasting tools to learn to fight fairly, cherish one another and bring out the best of each other. “Relationship building is among the hardest and most spiritual work we can ever do as it uncovers that which we have long attempted to hide”.
D’Arcy is a trained sex therapist through Guelph University and a Tantric teacher in California. These trainings help couples learn exercises and tools to openly talk about sex and pleasure and take intimacy to another level. Couples learn to to interconnect sexuality as a spiritual connection.
D’Arcy brings an eclectic set of skills to her healing work and creates a safe inviting therapeutic space. If one is ready to walk the journey, D’Arcy is your person. She is a highly skilled, compassionate and empathic way finder to help you along your path of healing. She was helpful to both me and my wife.
Modalities & Approaches
Soulful Counselling
Soulful counselling is a heartfelt approach to exploring life’s challenges from a spiritual perspective. Emphasis is on discovering a life path full of meaning, purpose and connection. Focus is on uncovering life’s teachings and lessons and how to best work with these understandings in our own lives to become fully empowered. Together we honour and celebrate the spiritual journey that connects us to our humanity.
Body Psychotherapy
Bioenergetic analysis is based on the belief that our bodies hold our story and without the body’s knowledge, the mind can understand, but can not fully release and heal what is needed to move forward. Events that happened to us as a child greatly affect our self perceptions and behaviours as we learn to develop defenses both in mind and in the body to shield us from our pain and disappointment. These defenses anchored in our bodies can be seen in our muscular holding patterns which can hinder breathing, self expression and energy levels in our life. This powerful analytical psychotherapy created by Dr. Alexander Lowen helps us to look at our bodies structure, movement and breathing patterns and offers ways to release deep pain and emotions that are no longer needed to free up the body and create new possibilities in our lives. D’Arcy is internationally trained and certified as a bioenergetic therapist. For further information visit:
Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing is a powerful method of psychotherapy to work through unresolved emotional issues that get stuck in a feedback loop of limited thinking and beliefs. The primary assumption behind EMDR is that the brain has the capacity to process and resolve upsetting material. When trauma occurs the nervous system becomes overloaded and perceptions, feelings and thoughts are locked into the nervous system becoming frozen in time. This gentle technique helps to assist the brain to process old experiences and memories and make sense of them in a new way. It is beneficial when dealing with traumas that have occurred to re-integrate fragmented parts of self that were lost and give back a sense of control. Helpful with disturbing memories, accidents, sexual assaults, negative impacting experiences, and generalized traumas. D’Arcy is certified in EMDR therapy. For further information visit: article in The New York Times entitled Expert Answers on E.M.D.R. or
EFT Tapping Process
Emotional Freedom Technique combines an active visualization and a series of tapping on different meridian points in your body that help to calm down signals to the amygdala in the brain. It reduces and releases stress, worry and anger and calms the nervous system. It helps tap into older patterns that keep us stuck and free them.
Hypnosis is a state of altered consciousness that occurs normally in every person just before we enter into a sleep state. Heart centered hypnotherapy is a safe and effective way to relax and access the subconscious mind where old pacts, unwanted beliefs, and emotions are stored. It is helpful to release the negative feedback loop and uncover the source of many phobias, anxiety, illness, self esteem trauma and pain. D’Arcy is certified in Heart centered hypnotherapy. For further information visit:
Psychodrama and Gestalt
Psychodrama and Gestalt are two interactive action methods that help clients enact the relevant issues, events and relationship dynamics in their lives rather than simply talking about it. It provides a process to communicate and dialogue with the different parts of ourselves like the critic, victim, wounded one, controller and the part that desires and fears change. It offers a creative way to move beyond old scripts, pacts and beliefs to bring greater awareness, compassion, interaction and integration with the separate parts of our self.
Dreams and Expressive Arts Therapy
Dreams and art are creative and expressive ways of uncovering and exploring unconscious material that has not yet entered our everyday lives. It helps to tap into our imagination, creativity and intuition in a playful way.
Meditation, relaxation and visualization
Important tools and skills to help decrease stress in our lives. Helps with sleep issues, staying present and mindful, preparing for and recovering after surgery and overall balance in life.